From Despair to Hope

Just a short while ago, this single mom was at her wit’s end. She was behind on her rent, living in an apartment with minimal furniture. Her son was sleeping on the floor. She reached out to Salty Family Services for help.

A mentor was assigned to work with her. Despite being overwhelmed by her circumstances, this mother was determined to do whatever was necessary to provide a safe home for her children. The mentor advocated on her behalf and was able to get a small extension on the rent. Then, she went to work, contacting Call Me When volunteers to get some furniture – most notably a bed for the young son and the loveseat pictured here.

At the same time, the mentor began to counsel the family on developing a budget and planning out her income and bills. They also discussed ways to increase income so she could not only meet monthly expenses but also begin to save effectively.

With a determined spirit, the guidance of a mentor, help from volunteers and trust in God, this family quickly turned from despair to hope. The story doesn’t end here, but we give thanks to God as we celebrate the impact that has been made in just a short time.

Carol Brown