How a Single Mother Used a Simple Budget to Change Her Life

One of the important goals for anyone who enters our mentor program is to complete a budget. Recently a mentor shared with us how seriously one of her families took this assignment. Not only was the budget completed with attention to all the details, but the single mother kept it close at hand at all times. During each mentoring session, she could locate it easily and would frequently refer to it. 

By preparing a budget, she discovered the monthly shortfall she faced as she compared her expenses to her income. This helped her and her mentor talk through changes that could be made to adjust her spending while also identifying how she might increase her income. As a result, some positive changes were made in both areas. She trimmed expenses and stayed determined to stick to the budget! This mom realized her only way out of the deficit was to add an additional part-time job to ensure she could provide for her family. 

She didn’t just focus on the moment but used her budget to help her plan for the future. Whenever she would talk about future spending choices, she would always refer to her budget to determine what and when she could afford to pay for certain things. These are the kinds of changes we hope to see when we mentor a family. By focusing on her budget, this mother is better equipped to manage her finances successfully and is now hopeful for a brighter future. 

We are thankful that God brought this woman to Salty Family Services and opened her heart to receive the love and guidance that this ministry offers. 

Carol Brown