A Life Empowered

A few years ago one of our mentors was working with this single mother. As the mentor walked with her through her life circumstances, he frequently helped her in a variety of ways, including making sure she had a ride to pick up prescriptions or groceries, helping her organize a move to a new apartment, and more. While he was glad to help, he also worked to empower this mother to effectively navigate life on her own.

In addition to financial struggles, the mother was battling a variety of health issues. She struggled with getting the medical help she needed and with taking the steps necessary to improve her health. With the mentor’s guidance and encouragement, she took steps to better care for herself. 

Amidst all this, her teenage sons were dealing with their own struggles in and out of school, which always adds to a parent’s burdens. Plus, she would often find it difficult to have enough food for them. 

All throughout their time together, the mentor would invite the family to church. As we work with families to help with the practical side of life, we also hope to encourage them to find community within the body of Christ and to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. 

As the mentor concluded his time working with this family, he observed that her living situation, her health, and her sons’ situations had all improved. She had also committed to attending church. 

Over the last few years, these two had not seen much of each other. But recently, this woman ran into her former mentor at church. After giving him a big hug, she told him how her life had turned around for the better. She emphasized that she is now focused on God as the provider of all she needs. The joy she now experiences is so beautifully evident on her face. We are very thankful for the opportunity to learn of long-lasting life changes and for God’s guiding hand in this family’s life. 

Carol Brown