Impacting the Next Generation

This mom was going through a difficult divorce that required her to move and set up a single-parent household. As a result, her finances needed some fine-tuning. She contacted Salty Family Services for help and began working with a mentor.

Every family we work with is asked to create a budget, and the same was true here. Given the change in her life circumstances, this was a vital step to ensure future financial stability. The mentor assisted the mom in setting up a new budget, which was especially important as her income can fluctuate. She identified a monthly surplus in her budget after paying all of her bills. The mentor discussed saving money when she’s doing well to create a cushion for when income is reduced. 

Today, this mother said she is trying to undo living a lavish lifestyle with her children and teach them a simpler way of life. Her oldest, who works full-time and lives at home rent-free, often depends on Mom to pay for her car insurance or car payment. Wanting to share the wisdom she had gained, the mom requested an extra budget sheet so that she could work with her daughter and help her establish her own budget. Mom recognized that she is in a place where she needs to empower her daughter to become self-sufficient. Mom wants to see her daughter equipped to live within a budget and avoid potential financial pitfalls as she moves into adulthood.

It is exciting to see God at work in the hearts and minds of the parents we mentor. It is twice the blessing when we see God’s impact on a parent’s heart manifest in positive changes in the next generation. 

It is through your generous support that we are able to provide mentoring and assistance to families in our community.  If you would like to make a year-end, tax-deductible contribution, visit

Carol Brown