God's Perfect Timing

This young mother of two was driving to a friend’s house to do her laundry every week, using valuable time and resources in the process. Her mentor pointed out that her apartment was equipped with connections for a washer and dryer. We are not able to store donations of used appliances, so we never have those on hand for families in need. However, through God’s perfect timing, we received an offer for a washer and dryer that proved ideal for this mom. With the help of a Call Me When volunteer, these items were picked up, delivered and connected. Now this mother can tend to this chore more efficiently, leaving more precious time to spend with her young children. We are continually amazed and grateful for God’s timely provisions! 

If you are interested in being part of the Call Me When team, please visit https://saltyfamilies.breezechms.com/form/contactme

Carol Brown